
Middle Years 9 and 10

Nurturing Growth and Excellence


Academic Excellence

Our curriculum in Years 9 and 10 is designed to prepare our students for the academic rigor of their senior years. We offer a diverse and comprehensive range of subjects, ensuring that students have the opportunity to explore their interests while developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Our commitment to academic excellence is unwavering, and we provide the resources and guidance needed for success.

Holistic Approach

At Perth College we take a holistic approach, nurturing not only academic growth but also personal development. Our students learn important life skills, cultivate their character, and develop a strong sense of ethics and responsibility.

Preparation for the Future

The Years 9 and 10 experience at Perth College is about preparing our young women to become confident, resilient, and compassionate leaders. We equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the senior years of high school and beyond.
